Who We Are

Introductions: Who We Are


Monday, February 13, 2017

Q&A: What's the most challenging thing for you about co-living?

Current Housemates:

Emerson: The most challenging thing for me is managing my expectations of myself and all my housemates (including the toddler ;).

 Remembering that we all operate at different paces, especially at home.

Lindsey: Learning to live with different personalities and shared spaces.

Olivia: The most challenging thing with me when it comes to Co-living would have to be keeping the common areas up to everyone's standards.

Q&A: What's your favorite music?

Current Housemates:

Emerson: I go through phases of listening to things on repeat. Right now I'm lost in new alternative. 90's alternative and Punk always.

Hard question. My favorite band is a tie between ABBA and Green Day - so I live in that very broad and open spectrum.

Lindsey: 90's alternative, New Wave, Motown.

Olivia: My favorite music right now would have to be the band HAIM, but I like anything else besides Country, it just depends on what mood I'm in

Monday, February 6, 2017

Q&A: What are your top three favorite movies?

Current Housemates:

  • Lost in Translation
  • Hidden Figures
  • Breach
Emily: (in no particular order)

  • Princess Bride
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Mamma Mia

  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (series)
  • V for Vendetta 

  • Princess and the Frog
  • Hairspray
  • Mean Girls (of course)