Who We Are

Introductions: Who We Are


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Where did we get the name, Living Room Yoga Commune?

Perhaps an explanation of the name should come first. If you've met me (Emerson) you know that I'm known for my characteristics of impulsivity and non-compliance. Recently, a couple friends and I took a spontaneous trip to see a mutual friend of ours who moved to Ohio and was having a bad week. After meeting our friend for dinner, we headed back to her place to hang out and see where she's living now. And then I started doing yoga... in the middle of her living room, while my friends just sat there, in silence, watching me. I was told it was very relaxing and they felt like they got a good workout just from observing. Someone suggested this should be the name of my commune and the others agreed. Because, well, this is my life.

I want the Living Room Yoga Commune to be a space where you feel so comfortable you spontaneously bust out Warrior 3 or Savasana (for those who prefer to play corpse). I want to create space for people to be themselves in all their queer and quirky beauty. I want to encourage social justice, feminist, racially healing, body positive conversations that allow one another to feel challenged and empowered.

So come relax, be empowered, eat well and healthy, be loved and heal. Welcome to the Living Room Yoga Commune.

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