Who We Are

Introductions: Who We Are


Thursday, January 5, 2017

The next 30 days!

We've still been busy getting things done here at LRYC! It took a minute, but we finally got those upper cabinets hung up in the first floor kitchen and most of the floor done in there too! The Victorian-era knobs and luxury vinyl plank flooring are the only "period" elements I've added back into the house. The other things are functional or fun. Underneath six layers of sub-floor in the kitchen we discovered the original floor which randomly had newspapers circa 1941 (based on the obituary we found. See below for then current prices!

We hung Christmas lights on both side porches, which are just now part of the decoration. Basement got the white lights here and the side entrances got color lights. There are fun colored lanterns hanging on the porch.

Left: Before of the down-stairs main room. Right: The after :) 

Both baths got some much needed additional storage added. Left: Shower caddy for the 1st floor - instructions said no tools required, yet it took me 2hrs, pipe cutter, screwdriver and channel locks to assemble. Right: Two bamboo shelves were placed for storage in the 2nd floor bathroom

The first bedroom to get a new floor was Room #2.  It also got new trim and a fresh paint job. (Somehow we didn't get a picture of that...) The second room was Room #4 (pictured below).

Emerson's mom came in for a two-week visit and focused on the 2nd floor which we hadn't gotten to yet. The coats were getting a little out of control. We created a "coat rack." We ended up trying out a few different basket options on the top after this one seemed too tall. Then we moved on to the main room. We assembled an orange sleeper sofa with storage chaise and a table with two hidden leaves.


In addition to the fun pictures we've been swapping outlet plugs and light switches (only got electrocuted once), unpacking more boxes (finally), and moved furniture around. It took three of us six hours to clear the driveway after the 11.5" snowfall just before Christmas, so we unanimously voted to get a snow removal company to dig us out for future snowfalls.

It's not all work. Some housemates got to travel too. Emerson went to the Bahamas and Nate went to Arizona. Lindsey and Emerson went to Chicago. We also welcomed in a new housemate, EMU student, Ezra! And of course, Emerson has been doing some typical apocalyptic style cooking to feed the deep freezer.

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